Aikibatto 10 DetailsHarai TSUKI
DetailsAspects and considerations already treated in a previous exercise of Aikibatto, are omitted here.Harai, parry or warding off, is commented in the text on ATE, so is tsuki, in general terms, and chiburi kaiten. Tsuki, thrust, is the second of the two Harai, named after the tsuki done by tori in movement seven. A significant difference to the previous Harai exercise is also, that here tori does a taisabaki move to the left instead of the right.
![]() Starting position. Tori at left, uke at right.
The harai ends with a draw of the sword, tori's right hand pulling the sword horizontally to the right, left hand holding the scabbard back. It is very important not to start the draw already in the harai move, where the sword should instead be held very firmly inside the scabbard. When the draw commences, it is firstly done by the left hand thumb pushing the tsuba, sword guard, so that the blade starts to slide out — and the rest of the draw is done by the right hand.
Pushing uke, in the continued tsuki movement, is done to help get the sword back — which would take some effort, were the thrust an actual one with a real blade through uke's body. Directly after the push, tori pulls the sword back, to a horizontal position near the body, much like that of movement five — but this time, there is no contact between the blade and the body, nor is the right hand as far back as in movement five.
Regarding noto, there is a 2017 change for safety: the noto is sideways instead of at the shoulder. See the video above for details.
Iai considerationsIn iai style single training of the tori movements in this exercise, the modifications of the above would be only one: a correct direction for the chudan tsuki of movement seven — right at where the uke would be.Uke's movements in this exercise are not very meaningful to practice in a iai solo style.
Stefan Stenudd Table of movementsTable of all exercises© Stefan Stenudd, 2000. You are free to any non-commercial use of this material, without having to ask for my permission. But please refer to this website, when doing so.
![]() AikibattoIntroductionBackgroundAikibatto BasicsSword exercisesJo staff exercisesSolo video clipsDuo video clipsKen suburiCorrectionsGlossaryVisitor responseShinken, the swordAikibatto — the book
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