Aikibatto 6 DetailsUke nagashi URA
DetailsAspects and considerations already treated in a previous exercise of Aikibatto, are omitted here.Uke nagashi, the high level parry, is commented in the text on OMOTE. So is omote and ura, as well as kesagiri. Ura, reverse, is the second of the two Uke nagashi, differing from the first in movements five and on. Basically, the difference is that tori moves to the other side of uke after the uke nagashi parry, and the consequences thereof. Also, uke makes two charges instead of just one.
![]() Starting position. Tori at right, uke at left.
Tori moves over to the right side of uke, getting very near uke by this move. There is no problem in this nearness, it is actually a common dueling distance in the old samurai arts. Since the actual cutting is done by drawing the sword back, starting very near uke only means a lot more of the blade than just the outer part of it, involved in the cutting move. The step to the left with the left foot can be done immediately, but the body cannot follow until uke's sword is out of the way by being lifted to jodan kamae — and then, there is need to hurry.
Iai considerationsIn iai style single training of the tori movements in this exercise, the modifications of the above would be: the kesagiri in movement eight is not stopped at neck height, but pulled through to gedan.Uke's movements in this exercise are not very meaningful to practice in a iai solo style.
Stefan Stenudd Table of movementsNext exercise© Stefan Stenudd, 2000. You are free to any non-commercial use of this material, without having to ask for my permission. But please refer to this website, when doing so.
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