Aristotle's Poetics: Literature![]() The Drama Theory and Influence of the PoeticsLiteratureListed here, are only the books on dramaturgy and the like (and some of them are in Swedish, my native tongue). For a more extensive list of literature on Aristotle, see here:Aristotle — LiteratureAristotle, Aristoteles' Om diktkonsten, translated by Wilhelm Norlind, Lund 1927. Brådhe, Rex, Att arbeta med teater, Stockholm 1987. Bächlin, Peter, Filmen som vara, translated by Joachim Lentz, Stockholm 1977. Catron, Louis E., The Elements of Playwriting, New York 1993.
Clark, Barrett Harper, editor, European Theories of the Drama, with a Supplement on the American Drama, New York 1947. The book was first published in 1918, and revised in a number of editions, the following decades, also after the death of Clark (1890-1953) by Henry Popkin in 1965. The most recent edition is from 1983. The book is an anthology, introducing an number of commentators on the drama, from Aristotle onto the early 20th century, and including substantial excerpts from their writings. Clark has also published other books on drama and literature. In this text, Clark's book has been used to a great extent, as for quotes of historic writing almost exclusively. Daniel, John, editor, Dramaturgy. A User's Guide, London 1999. Dyfverman, Henrik, Dramats teknik. Vägledning för författaren, teatermannen och publiken, Stockholm 1949. Fleming, Michael, The Art of Drama Teaching, London 1997. Foss, Bob, Narrative Technique and Dramaturgy in Film and Television, Stockholm 1992. Holm, Ingvar, Drama på scen. Dramats former och funktion, Stockholm 1969. Israel, Lena, Filmdramaturgi och vardagstänkande. En kunskapssociologisk studie, Göteborg 1991. Lindström, Göran, editor, Strindberg om drama och teater, Lund 1968. Pickering, David, editor, Dictionary of the Theatre, London 1988. Styan, J. L., The Dramatic Experience. A Guide to the reading of plays, Cambridge 1975. Sundstedt, Kjell, Att skriva för film, Stockholm 2000. Ubersfeld, Anne, Reading Theatre, translated by Frank Collins, Toronto 1999.
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