Aristotle Biography 10: Timeline![]() The life and time of the Greek PhilosopherTimelineYear BC and EventFor philosophers, their year of flourishing is given.
776 First Olympiad. - 700 A Greek written alphabet emerges. - 700 Homer, Hesiod - 600 Callinus, Archilocus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Tyrtaios (all poets) 598 Solon (fl., politician, poet) 594 Athens gets a constitution written by Solon.
585? Thales (fl., philosopher) 559 Solon dies. 550 Thespis (fl., playwright) 530 Theognis (fl., poet) 510 Anacreon (fl., poet) 508-502 Democracy introduced in Athens, by Cleisthenes. 487 Ostracism introduced, to expel citizens for ten years. 485 Aeschylus 525?-456 (fl., playwright) 482 Pindar 522-440? (fl., poet) 480 Persians destroy Athens. 468 Sophocles wins over Aeschylus in drama contest. 456 Sophocles 496?-406? (fl., playwright) 451 Law: both parents Athenian, for a child to be citizen (repealed in 429, reenacted in 403). 448 End of the Persian wars. 447-432 Parthenon constructed. 443 Pericles rules Athens. 441 Euripides wins over Sophocles in drama contest. 440 Euripides 480?-406? (fl., playwright) 431 Peleponnesian war, between Athens and Sparta, begins. 430-427 Plague kills about a quarter of Athens' population. 430 Socrates 469?-399 (fl., philosopher) 429 Pericles dies of the plague. 421 Athen and Sparta negotiate a peace, lasting 50 years. 413 Syracuse defeats Athenian forces. 411 The (short) oligarchy of the four hundred in Athens. 409 Amyntas III of Macedonia (fl., king) 408 Aristophanes 448?-385 (fl., playwright) 406 Sophocles and Euripides die. 405 Dionysius I rules Syracuse. 404 Peleponnesian war ends, Athens surrenders to Sparta. 404-403 Oligarchy of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens. 400? Pella is made capital of Macedonia. 399 Socrates dies. 396 Isocrates (fl., philosopher) 395-387 Corinthian war against Sparta. 390? Dionysius I of Syracuse c.430-367 (fl., king) 388 Plato opens the Academy. 388/387 Plato 427-347 (fl., philosopher) 387(?) Plato's first visit to Syracuse. 387 The King's peace, Greek settlement with Persia. 385 Aristophanes dies. 384 Aristotle is born. 374? Nicomachus, Aristotle's father, dies. 369 Dion 409-354 (fl., politician) 369 Amyntas III of Macedonia dies. 368-365 Ptolemy ruler of Macedonia. 368 Eudoxus of Cnidus 408-355 (fl., philosopher) 367 Dionysius I dies, Dionysius II is king of Syracuse. 367-365 Plato's second voyage to Sicily. 367 Aristotle enrolls in the Academy. 367? Speusippus 407?-339 (fl., Academy) 365? Eubulis 405?-335 (fl., comedy playwright) 361-360 Plato's third voyage to Sicily. 360 Heraclides of Pontus (fl., Academy) 359 Philip II of Macedonia begins his rule. 357 Dion takes over Syracuse. Dionysius II is exiled. 357-353 The Social war, Athens against its allies. 356 Xenocrates 396-314 (fl., Academy) 356 Alexander the Great is born. 355 Eudoxus of Cnidus dies. 355? Dionysius II of Syracuse 395?-337? (fl., king) 354 Dion is killed. 348 Stagira conquered by Philip II. 347 In spring, anti-Macedonians gain the power in Athens. 347 Aristotle and Xenocrates travel to Atarneus and Assos. 347 Plato dies in May, Speusippus leads the Academy. 347/6(?) Aristotle marries Pythias. 347/346-345 Dionysius II again king of Syracuse. 346 Athen makes treaty with Philip II of Macedonia. 345-344 Aristotle travels to Lesbos, works with Theophrastus. 344? Aristotle and Theophrastus travel to Stagira? 344 Aristotle 384-322 (fl., philosopher) 343/342 Aristotle travels to Mieza, to be Alexander's tutor. 342 Philip II of Macedonia (fl., king) 341/340 Hermias is killed by the Persians. 340? Aristotle's tutorship of Alexander ends? But DH says 8 years of tutoring. 340/339 Philip is at war, Alexander is king in his absence. 339 Speusippus dies. 338 Philip II defeats the Greeks, Hellenic League is formed. 338 Xenocrates is voted to lead the Academy. 338 Isocrates dies. 337 Greek war on Persia is declared. 336 Philip II is killed, Alexander III (the Great) is king. 335 Athens and other cities fail a revolt against Alexander. 335 Aristotle travels to Athens and opens the Lyceum. 335? Alexis 375?-275 (fl., comedy playwright) 330 Theophrastus 370-286 (fl., Lyceum) 327 Alexander marries Bactrian princess Roxane. 327 Callisthenes executed by order of Alexander. 324 Hephaestion is made second-in-command, hipparch. 324 Alexander marries Darius' daughter Barsine. 324 Hephaestion (357?-324), Alexander's companion, dies. 323 Alexander the Great dies in June. 323/322 Aristotle travels to Chalkis (no later than spring 322). 322 Aristotle dies, Theophrastus leads the Lyceum. 314 Xenocrates dies, Polemo leads the Academy. 302 Menander 342-291 (fl., playwright) 286 Theophrastus dies. 286 Strato becomes head of the Lyceum. 268 Strato dies. 197 Rome conquers Macedonia. 146 Rome conquers Greece. 86 Rome sacks Athens.
Year AD85? Plutarch 45?-125? (Fl., priest, writer)529 Emperor Justinian closes the pagan schools.
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