Ikkyo CompleteIkkyo compared to Aikiken sword movements. Many more aikido videos on my YouTube Channel. Texts and video clips of the Aikido Pinning Technique IkkyoIkkyo is the first technique of aikido. That's even what its name means. Sort of an introduction to aikido, at least to its pinning techniques, in the continued count of nikyo, sankyo and so on. Therefore, it's always rewarding to return to ikkyo, with a high regularity. As your ikkyo develops and becomes refined, so will all of your aikido. It doesn't ever become boring. Below, I go through ikkyo — omote and ura — against the basic attacks. There is no rule as to exactly how ikkyo should be performed. Probably, there are about as many variations to it, as there are accomplished aikidoka. Also, any aikido technique tends to transform through the development of one's aikido, so not even for one single person is there such a thing as a right or a wrong way to do it. Consequently, what you find here is just my interpretation of ikkyo — at this point in time. Who knows what comes next? Notice that the little movie projector in every header is a link to a short video clip, usually about 300 KB in size, where I show how I do the ikkyo in question. Below each header are some of my views and pointers on it. I hope you find it of some interest. The attacker in the videos is Tomas Ohlsson, and behind the camera are Sven Lindow and Magnus Bäcklund. They are members of my dojo, Enighet in Malmö, Sweden.
Here's a video with the ikkyo technique (omote and ura) against most attacks. Stefan Stenudd
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