Chapter 14![]() A New Novel in the MakingI'm working on a new novel. Here's the 14th chapter of it. Let me know what you think about it. You find a Facebook comment form below the text. I post each new chapter when it is completed. The first chapter is here: Chapter One
How to get the bookThis book is finished and published. If you want to buy the book, you can do so at most Internet bookstores. Click the image below to see the book at Amazon (paid link). It is also a Kindle ebook. The link takes you to your local Amazon store (or to
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Like a Rat
Thomas' room is completely dark. There is some rattle. Then the bedside lamp is turned on. Fred stands by it with his hand on the switch and looks around, a bit drowsy. He is in his shorts, with his T-shirt and socks on. He checks under the bed, where Reuben lies staring back at him with wide open eyes.
"You really don't sleep at night, do you?" "Never," Reuben replies. "What about you?" "How could I, with you here? I'll keep the lamp on." Suddenly Fred shoots out his arm to grab Reuben, but he escapes by sort of bouncing out of reach. He doesn't get up, but Fred would need to get in under the bed to catch him. "You're quick. Like a rat. Maybe that's what you are?" There is no reply from Reuben. He lies still, watching Fred with a blank expression on his face. "I know it would upset Caroline, who thinks you're as innocent as angels, but I'm tempted to give you a punch in the face — for biting her. You're afraid of that, aren't you? Afraid I'll beat you up." Reuben gives no response at all. "Well, you should be. I'm still considering it. Don't forget that." Fred lies down on the floor, keeping his eyes on the dark area under the bed. Reuben's body is little more than a shadow, but his wide open eyes are visible. So is his pale face. "You are kind of spooky. I bet you like to hear that." "I have heard it before." "I warn you — don't try anything! I'll sleep with one eye open, if I sleep at all."
Chapter 15All the chapters posted so far:
My BooksAll my booksFictionEver Young — vampire novelSunday Brunch with the World MakerAll's End science-fictionMurder contemplationWaves short storiesPoemsVideo recitalsFabulous fiction by other writersMy Swedish writingAbout CookiesMy Other WebsitesCREATION MYTHSMyths in general and myths of creation in particular.
TAOISMThe wisdom of Taoism and the Tao Te Ching, its ancient source.
LIFE ENERGYAn encyclopedia of life energy concepts around the world.
QI ENERGY EXERCISESQi (also spelled chi or ki) explained, with exercises to increase it.
I CHINGThe ancient Chinese system of divination and free online reading.
TAROTTarot card meanings in divination and a free online spread.
ASTROLOGYThe complete horoscope chart and how to read it.
Stefan StenuddAbout me I'm a Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction books in both English and Swedish. I'm also an artist, a historian of ideas, and a 7 dan Aikikai Shihan aikido instructor. Click the header to read my full bio.