There is more in dreams![]() Review of Dreams (1990) movie, by Stefan Stenudd
The previous episodes are much more intense and fascinating, to the extent where one has to wonder if, perchance, Kurosawa would not have preferred to end up in one of them, rather than the last one — in spite of the torment they contain. Anyway, the film starts and ends with procession — the first a wedding, the last a funeral. In Kurosawa's Dreams, the former is threatening, and the latter joyous. I wonder why there is no birth. There are children, though, but they are in no way spared from the sorrows of the world. Sadly, that is true to life. Less realistic is the scarce presence of women. The most prominent female character is a sort of Snow Queen, trying to kill some men lost in the mountains. "The snow is warm, the ice is hot," she says to one of them, to make him sleep. True, indeed — but a harmful warmth, a deadly heat. Still, it cannot compare to the genocide heat produced by men, later on in the movie. These are dreams? If so, they are surprisingly barren. Not the likes of Dante's — or, I dare say, anyone else's. Dreams are complex things, and when studied closely, they open up like Pandora's box. Kurosawa's episodes are not dreams, in that sense, but mere silhouettes of them. For dreams to be revealed, they must be entered. Kurosawa seems to have kept them on a distance, taming them with his waking state. Perhaps he had found that his dreams could not compare to what he had accomplished in his many great movies.
Stefan Stenudd 18 January 2003
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