Life Energy FundamentalsHuman Thought on Life Force and the SpiritThe following webpages present ideas and beliefs about a life energy, and what might have inspired them. The life force or life spirit is a concept found all around the world — from the most distant past we're able to study, up to the present. There are differences in these beliefs, but many striking similarities as well. The fundamental question is how these beliefs have emerged.
About CookiesMy Other Websites
Qi Energy ExercisesThe ancient Chinese life energy qi (chi) explained and how to exercise it.
Creation MythsCreation stories from around the world, and the ancient cosmology they reveal.
Cosmos of the AncientsWhat the Greek philosophers believed about the cosmos, their religion and their gods.
TaoisticTaoism, the ancient Chinese philosophy of life explained. Also, the complete Tao Te Ching online.
Other Books of Mine
Cosmos of the AncientsThe Greek philosophers and what they thought about cosmology, myth, and the gods. Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).
Archetypes of MythologyThis book examines Jungian theories on myth and religion, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson. Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).
Tao Te ChingThe Taoism of Lao Tzu Explained. The great Taoist classic, translated and extensively commented chapter by chapter. Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).
Fake Lao Tzu QuotesErroneous Tao Te Ching Citations Examined. 90 of the most spread false Lao Tzu quotes, why they are false and where they are really from. Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).
Stefan StenuddAbout meI'm a Swedish author and historian of ideas, researching the thought patterns in creation myths. I've also written books about Taoism, the Tarot, and life force concepts around the world. Click the image to get to my personal website.