![]() Occasionally I Contemplate Murder 3The complete book online![]() Some of its aspects, I would without hesitation proclaim in the largest and most unassorted of crowds. Others, though, are a bit more delicate. Still, unexceptionably interesting.
When scrutinized carefully, our world seems to have a number of flaws. One wouldn't have too hard a time coming up with ideas for improving it, I guess. On the other hand, that's not a waterproof reason for condemning it.
If we're to give the theory of evolution any credibility, we must ponder this some. Why would a species come up with, and seemingly forever keep, the habit of killing among its own? In a world full of dangers, it must be regarded as overdoing things.
Would a diver stay underwater until he has sucked the last breath of oxygen from his tubes, and would a motorcyclist enter a curve of the road with the maximum speed he believes himself able to handle? Yes, they would.
It's a paradox, a most disturbing anomaly of Darwinism, that a species would fondle such dangerous habits. Yet, we obviously do.
Indeed, I doubt it — if we're not to regard the murderer as the fittest by virtue of his deed alone.
Whoever gets the power, has thus proven his right to it. Perchance, he who takes the lives of others thereby proves the right to his own? It's the law of the bully. The supremacy of the savage.
A savage kingdom could, if nothing else, be sort of sexy.
And one day, there he'd stand, the very prime of mankind. Screaming like a Conan the Barbarian, with bloodstained hands stretching towards the sky, and his feet sunk knee deep into a mount of corpses. Hail the ultimate man! How come he hears no praise?
Death, on the other hand, probably does. Death has many roles. But murder — no. Nature didn't invent it, nor did any God. Man did. Sort of.
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